Yıldız Technical University Lagari UAV Club, sponsored by BLG, won the first place in Teknofest 2021 Fighter UAV Competition. We congratulate Lagari Team for this proud achievement and wish them continued success.

The 6th International Pulmonary Drug Delivery Workshop, organized by the Pulmonary Drug Research Association (PİADER), will be held this year on 11-13 September 2019 at Istanbul University with the sponsorship of BLG.

The Pulmonary Drug Delivery Workshop (PDD) series was established by Prof. Carsten Ehrhardt in 2013 with an aim to provide a space for meeting colleagues, discussing research and engaging in new collaborative efforts in a casual setting.

They welcome graduate students, postdocs and colleagues from academia and industry as well as government agencies. The PDD workshop currently alternates annually between Dublin and Istanbul to accommodate participants from Western, Central and Eastern Europe as well as from the Middle East. They consider themselves as a forum to learn about inhalation drug delivery from leaders in the field and discuss aerosol-related topics in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Istanbul meetings are organised by Assoc. Professor Ayca Yıldız Peköz of Istanbul University.

For detailed information about the workshop where BLG Kimya is among its sponsors; 

As BLG Chemical Technologies, We have renewed our ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

As BLG Chemical Technologies, We participated in the AFAD CBRN Equipment Training Program held at Alva Donna Exclusive Hotel in Antalya between 11-17 February 2018 in order to train 300 AFAD personnel about FirstDefender RM and TruDefender FTX which are chemical material identification instruments that we supplied.

4th Workshop on Pulmonary Drug Delivery organized by Istanbul University and supported by BLG Kimya Teknolojileri as a Gold sponsor will be held at Istanbul University Congress and Culture Center on 19-21 September 2017. We will be glad to see you at the workshop. For detailed information please visit http://www.pdd2017.org

GEMINI instruments which the world’s first and only hand-held Raman-FTIR spectrometers have been using very effectively by Customs Enforcement and Smuggling crews on field and in a short period of time, it exposed very large amounts of narcotics trafficking and, at the same time, tax evasion due to false declaration. After the second party purchase of Directorate General of Customs Enforcement, user training is organized in Wyndham Ankara Hotel on 29 December 2016. Following the training, Deputy Department Manager Mr. Osman Ince was presenting the certificate to the participant...

COPLEY SCIENTIFIC has decided to appoint BLG Chemical Technologies as exclusive distributor in Turkey.

The 14th workshop of ISPE Turkey s PAT Community of Practice was hosted by Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceutical Company in Istanbul. Igor Nazarov , Product and Application Specialist at Thermo Scientific POA, and Pekka Teppola ,Sr. Research Scientist at VTT, made speeches in the workshop.